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Investigating an International Fraud Scheme

Overview of an International Fraud

Our client, a prominent business, fell victim to a meticulously organized international fraud scheme involving several million dollars. The client had purchased merchandise through an intermediary who claimed to be in contact with an official factory.

However, the received goods were counterfeit and unsellable, leaving the client with significant financial losses.

international fraud illustration


Our team was tasked with investigating the fraud, tracing the individuals involved, and gathering evidence to support legal action. We utilized a combination of OSINT, V-HUMINT, and other investigative techniques to build a comprehensive case.

Key Steps

  1. Identifying the Perpetrators:

  • Network Analysis: Mapped out the network of individuals and entities involved in the transaction.

  • Background Checks: Conducted thorough background checks on all parties to uncover their roles and connections.

  1. Uncovering Fraudulent Activities:

  • Document Examination: Analyzed all documents related to the transaction to identify forgeries and discrepancies.

  • Digital Forensics: Examined digital communications and transactions to trace the flow of money and information.

  1. Building the Case:

  • Evidence Compilation: Compiled a detailed report with all findings, including evidence of fraud and forged documents.

  • Legal Strategy: Worked closely with legal experts to develop a strategy for pursuing legal action and negotiating a settlement.

Key Findings

Our investigation revealed false representation, counterfeit goods and financial trail.


Armed with a comprehensive and detailed report, our client was able to pursue a legal action with our help, collaborating with the legal team and an international lawyer, we filed a strong legal case against the perpetrators, backed by robust evidence.

We were thus able to negotiate a settlement: it was very important for the client to face the fraudsters. This type of case unfortunately leaves some emotional scars too, it can be highly traumatizing to be the victim of such an organized fraud, so for him, facing the perpetrators of this crime was a big deal.


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